lørdag 22. februar 2014

OOTD from thursday and knitting again =P

So I wanted to do this OOTD for you all.
I was going to put it up on thursday
but since we had to go to hospital
with my son to get his back and feet checked out
I just totally forgot when I got home.

But since I forgot I also got
to finish this second knitted set =)
I am loving making things for my babygirl =)

Here is the OOTD (Thursday):

Really sorry about the sun.
Got my hubby as my photographer
and he aint the best =P
Once the weather gets warmer I
can take more time and set
up my tripod and do my own OOTD photos =)

Well also wanted to show you this knitted set.
It is another one for babygirls
baby born doll =)

Here it is:

I am sooo pleased with this.
And so is babygirl.
And I have so much yarn to use
that there will be many many sets =)

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

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