torsdag 22. mai 2014

Dress searching =)

Ohhhh it is so easy to dream yourself away looking websites up and websites down with clothes on them. I soooo wanna upgrade my wardrobe with more dresses. But I am so unsure. =P I find loads that I like myself, but I just dont know what they will look like on me. And one of my biggest fears is to buy stuff online only to not fit it and having to fork out loads of money to ship it back. But only time will tell =P

Here are some dresses and a playsuit that I found looking through this page called I really like them =) Do you have any favourite website to shop from? For me it is so sad that if it is international pages then it is customs on it =/ It is like only 20 pounds and then we get loads of customs on it =/ So it quickly becomes expencive. But we'll see =)

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

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