fredag 28. februar 2014

Wreck this journal ♥ Spill your coffee

Another day,
another fun page =)

This was an awesome amount of fun =P
And my book now smells like caramel, vanilla coffee =)

Have you done Wreck this journal?
 Please tell me about it =)


Here is a photo of the page =)

Painting with coffee =P
A new kind of creative =)

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

torsdag 27. februar 2014

Sooo sorry

So sorry for no video today,
but I have been away all day today.
We went over to my mom and dads
to spend the day and it was a splendid day =)

Aaaand I wanted to show you all this =) 

I finished my sweater =)
I am sooo pleased with it,
and I made it all myself =)=)=)

Here is a closeup of the pattern and color =)


♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

Wreck this journal ♥ Poke holes

A little boring one.
Gonna have to find some fun way to
decorate this page some more for sure. 

Tho I got to say it was fun to stab the page =P
But the holes gave me chills after =P

I got this thing about holes or
It makes me think of the hives =P

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

onsdag 26. februar 2014

Wreck this journal ♥ Stand here

So stand here...
Did I wanna stand there?
Not really... Did I do it.
Of course =)
Was it as bad as I thought?
Not really cause my shoes wasnt that dirty =P

So here is the video from what I did =P

This was some weirdo task to
But it was fun =)
I decided to get the big blop out of it

tirsdag 25. februar 2014

♡ Food cam ♡ My cripsbread supper

So since today was just one of those days,
I decided that I would just do a food cam for you
I know, boooring =P But hope you enjoy it anyways =)

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

mandag 24. februar 2014

Wreck this journal ♥ Break the spine

OMG!!! I am soooo sorry, was doing this yesterday and forgot to hit publish =(
So it didnt go up when it was suppose too =(

This surely hurt for the both of us.

I didnt really wanna do
I always like to let books spine
break on its own terms with use over
But I did it =P

And here you get to see how... 

As for the page,
I just couldnt leave the page blank =)

I just had to do something with it,
so here is the result of it all.

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

Bleeding heart!!!

My heart just broke!!!
The world can be a cruel place...
I know!!!

It is only a tv show.
But SO WHAT!!!!!
She is missing,
she is gone,
she is dead!!!

I am litterarly in tears.
First Hale and now Kenzi.

And to top it all off...
This was the season finale!!!

Holy Fudge!!!

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

Wreck this journal ♥ Leave this page blank

Now lets just get this last boring
page out of the way =P

I just couldnt help myself.
I had to number it you know.

Aaaaand I can not speak
for my actions later on =P
I got plans...hehehehe 

Here is the boring page that I was suppose to leave blank =P

Lets get to the fun parts ♥♥♥

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

søndag 23. februar 2014

Wreck this journal ♥ Add your own page numbers

This is so much fun.
I get to add my own pagenumbers ♥

Decided to go a little bit further on this page as well.
And will enjoy adding pagenumbers as I go along with this journal =)

Again so sorry that my first pages are kinda
The good ones are yet to come =P

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

lørdag 22. februar 2014

OOTD from thursday and knitting again =P

So I wanted to do this OOTD for you all.
I was going to put it up on thursday
but since we had to go to hospital
with my son to get his back and feet checked out
I just totally forgot when I got home.

But since I forgot I also got
to finish this second knitted set =)
I am loving making things for my babygirl =)

Here is the OOTD (Thursday):

Really sorry about the sun.
Got my hubby as my photographer
and he aint the best =P
Once the weather gets warmer I
can take more time and set
up my tripod and do my own OOTD photos =)

Well also wanted to show you this knitted set.

Wreck this journal ♥ Instructions =)

So here is the instructions ♥
I decided I wanted to enjoy the whole book.
So I wanted to do something on this page too.
I might end up doing more on some of the pages =)

That is why I say that I might be jumping back and fourth =P
I am so far loving this journey.
And I really hope you all will love it too =)
I am really sorry that these first pages are kinda boring,
but I promise it does get better as we move

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

fredag 21. februar 2014

Wreck this journal ♥ This book belongs too

Sooo here it is.

The beginning of my journey =)

I wanna first tell you a little about
why I wanna do this journey.
And how I am going to do it.

Well I had seen this book around
on the net a few times,
but never really understood why it
was such an interesting book.

THEN Grav3yardgirl started her
youtube serie Wreck it wednesday.
And I could finally see why this book
was such an interesting book.

torsdag 20. februar 2014

♡ Tutorial ♡ Impress nails =)

Finally got around to doing this video.
Sorry for not doing the pre pad thingy
in the video.
Just totally didnt think
to do it in the video.
But there is a pad in the package
that you
use on your nails befor
applying the nails =)

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

tirsdag 18. februar 2014

☕ Vlogeti vlog ☕ FINALLY!!!

Finally got my package =)
Gonna start my journey on
Hope that you will come
follow me on this one =)

It will all be done on my blog.
There might be some videos,
that will be priviliged to my blog only =P
Keep watching this space =P

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

søndag 16. februar 2014

♡♥♡ What I do these days ♡♥♡

I am a crafter.
I love to knit, crochet and many other crafts ♥
These days I knit and crochet quite a bit.
And I just finished the very first set
of clothes to my babygirls baby born doll ♡

Here is a photo off it:

So now the doll is stylin =P
I thought this set was just soooo
pretty I really had to make it to babygirls doll =)

So this was just s short little different post from me =)

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

lørdag 15. februar 2014

☆★☆ From My Mind ☆★☆ Bullying

So as promised here is my
From My Mind on this months topic.
Help me spread the word.
Help me stand up and fight against bullying.
Tell your story.
Let someone know,
let kids know it is ok to say stop.
It is ok to tell a adult.
It is ok to stand up for the weak.

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

fredag 14. februar 2014

♥ Happy Valentine's Day ♥

♥ A very very happy Valentine's day to you all ♥
It doesnt matter if you are alone or
in a relationship.
Today is the day to love someone,
even if that someone is yourself. ♥

Todays video is a tutorial of
my Valentine's look =)

Seems YouTube is having some issues =( Cant see the video try to refresh the page =)

And here is a picture of my OOTD
for going into town =)

I am wearing:
    My crochet hat (Homemade)
    My knitted scarf (Homemade)
    Millim jacket (Rema 1000)
    Skinny pattern jeans (Lindex)
    My white wintershoes (Shoeday)
    Black leatherimitation bag (H&M)

    ♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

    tirsdag 11. februar 2014

    Whoop whoop new shoes ♥

    There was a sale going on at this shoestore
    called Shoeday =)
    And babygirl needed new winterboots to
    have when we are heading for the 
    mountains this easter.

    And guess what???
    I got new shoes too ♥♥♥

    Here are my new wintershoes:

    lørdag 8. februar 2014

    ◇ Tag ◇ TMI =)

    ♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

    tirsdag 4. februar 2014

    lørdag 1. februar 2014

    ❣❣❣ Topic of the month ❣❣❣ February - Bullying

    My very first topic of the month!

    Wanna share your story on bullying?
    Please share your story in the comments,
    here or on youtube.

    Help me out with the questions,
    either on twitter with hashtag #AskLilliOneQuestion,
    or on here, my youtube or my facebook.

    ♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥