mandag 28. oktober 2013

Thinking about...

New shoes =)

I soooo wanna get some new wintershoes.
But it is so hard to choose,
there are so many pretty ones out there.
And if you find one you like,
it might come in alot of
So I started my hunt,
I really dont wanna pay a fortune either.
Cause our wallets wont allow it =P

Here are some of the ones I found,

let me know what one you like more =)

This one looks like it would
be a really sensible shoe for me
as we do get alot of icy roads =P

Then there are these ❤️

This one also comes in another color, 
and I just cant make up my mind.
I love them both ❤️

And last but not least there is this one....

Just look at these and the prettyness...
How can one choose???

What one do you like more?

Luv ya all ❤️

♥ Hugs from Lilli


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