tirsdag 12. august 2014

Robin Williams is gone =(

A great man has packed his makeup away for the last time. In shock sitting here reading that Robin Williams is dead. Suicide they think. Such a tormented soulc he had to have been to end his own life.

Thinking about all the laughter he gave others, maybe he had to little left for himself. What thoughts have to had gone through his head at the end we will never know, but it had to have been hurtful.

Have to say it is a little bit strange to see facebook fill up with messages about his death. He was so loved, but still had to have fealt so alone. The whole world has lost an amazing man that we will all remember forever. Here in my house there will be a Robin Williams marathon this weekend. So I can share the laughters with my daughter. Because I dont think he would have wanted the whole world to cry over him.

Sleep well you fabuolus fabuolus man. Hope your torments are quiet now. Now you can make my angels laugh every day. =)

♥ Hugs from Lilli ♥

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